USAID Fahari ya Jamii
The UoN USAID Fahari ya Jamii is a five-year project funded by the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) through the US Agency for International Development (USAID). The project is managed by the University of Nairobi (UON), working with Nairobi and Kajiado County health management teams. The project aims to increase equitable access and use of quality county-led health services and support sustainability in the quality of health services and
systems in Nairobi and Kajiado Counties.
Strategic Interventions
- HIV prevention- Key population services, Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), and gender-based violence (GBV) services)
- Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT)
- HIV care and treatment and TB/HIV services.
- Sexual and reproductive health services & cervical cancer screening and treatment
- Family Planning, Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal, Child and Adolescent, and youth health((FP/RMNCAH) and nutrition
- Health systems strengthening commodity, laboratory strengthening, policy and finance,and monitoring and evaluation
- COVID-19 vaccination support to Nairobi and Kajiado County.
Our Work

UoN- USAID Fahari ya Jamii implements tailored interventions that build the capacity of the national and county governments to plan, coordinate and manage high-quality, cost-effective HIV services that are readily accessible to those who need them. Through a county-led and owned, data-driven, and evidence-based approach the project supports the counties to provide:
HIV prevention services
- Increase the availability and use of HIV prevention services for priority populations
- Immediate introduction of antiretroviral therapy (ART), pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), and voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC)
- HIV prevention interventions targeting key populations in Nairobi, including community sensitization, distribution and promotion of condoms and lubricants, and PrEP initiation
- Increase targeted HIV testing services
- Counseling and testing with immediate return of results
- Provision of condoms and safer-sex messages
HIV care and treatment and TB/HIV services
- Provision of community support for testing and access to services, treatment literacy, adherence counseling, loss to follow-up, facility-community referral linkages, and support to differentiated care models (e.g., multi-month prescriptions and community-level refills).
- Improve the linkage to treatment for individuals newly testing positive for HIV.
- Immediate initiation of care services.
- ART in tuberculosis (TB) units and linking clients with TB/HIV co-infection to services, including nutritional assessment.
- Ensure long-term follow-up of patients receiving care and treatment services.
- Differentiated Service Delivery (DSD).
Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) services
- Routine HIV and syphilis testing.
- Immediate ART for PMTCT clients.
- Early infant diagnosis and follow-up.
- Treatment continuity and adherence to ART Treatment for PMTCT Clients.
Family planning, Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal, Child and adolescent, and youth health (FP/RMNCAH) and nutrition services
- Use of quality family planning, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child & adolescent health, and nutrition services.
- Assisted delivery services with a trained provider for pregnant women with HIV.
Health Systems Strengthening: commodity, laboratory strengthening, policy and finance, and monitoring and evaluation
- Increase uptake of and adherence to quality HIV treatment services and improve commodity security and management.
- Aid in the logistics of supply reporting and restocking, along with using data for decision-making.
- Provision of laboratory support to ensure quality testing.
- Strengthen the capacity of county health systems, local partners, and communities to deliver quality health services.
- Strengthen institutional capacity and accountability for facility and county management of the HIV response
- Technical assistance to strengthen capacities in monitoring and evaluation activities, data systems, data collection, analysis, reporting, and continuous quality improvement.
COVID-19 vaccination support to Nairobi and Kajiado County
- Human resource support through recruitment of healthcare workers, data clerks, and community health volunteers to support the vaccination exercise.
- Logistic support- procurement of commodities for vaccination
- M&E support through a DHIS2 platform for data monitoring
Target Population
As an integrated health program, UoN-USAID Fahari ya Jamii’s target population includes:
- Children, adolescents, and adults living with HIV
- Adolescents and young people, men, and women at risk of HIV
- Key population - Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM), Female Sex Workers (FSW),
- Survivors of gender-based violence
- Community health workers and health care providers
Key Partners
- Ministry of Health
- County health management teams- (Nairobi and Kajiado)
- Health facilities
- Community-based organizations
- Savannah Informatics
Media Desk
USAID Fahari Ya Jamii Efforts on Uptake of Covid-19 Vaccination in Kajiado Country
Implementation Journey of Covid-19 Vaccine Acceleration in Nairobi County